Aboubacar - boys name

Aboubacar name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Aboubacar name meaning:

The name Aboubacar is of Arabic origin and is commonly used in African countries, particularly in West Africa. It is predominantly a boy's name and holds significant meaning. The name Aboubacar is derived from the Arabic word "abu" meaning "father" and the name "Bakr" which means "young camel."

Symbolically, the name Aboubacar signifies strength, resilience, and leadership. It is often associated with positive traits such as determination, ambition, and a strong sense of responsibility. Those named Aboubacar are believed to possess the ability to overcome challenges and emerge victorious in various aspects of life. They are seen as natural leaders who inspire and motivate others with their charismatic personality and unwavering determination.

The name Aboubacar reflects the cultural values and traditions of the African and Arabic regions where it is commonly used. It carries a sense of pride and legacy, as it is often passed down through generations. Aboubacar is a name that holds deep meaning and significance, representing the qualities and aspirations that parents wish for their child to possess.


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Overall UK ranking: 4789 out of 4789

3 recorded births last year

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