Abrar - boys name

Abrar name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 63%

Abrar name meaning:

The name Abrar is of Arabic origin and is primarily used for boys. It carries a deep and profound meaning in Islamic culture. The name Abrar is derived from the Arabic word "ibrah" which means "virtuous" or "pious". Thus, the name Abrar is often associated with qualities such as righteousness, goodness, and piety.

Parents who choose the name Abrar for their son hope to instill in him a strong sense of moral and religious values. The name represents the ideal of being a virtuous and upright individual, someone who is dedicated to living a life of goodness and righteousness. It encourages the person to strive for higher moral standards and to always do what is right.

The name Abrar is a beautiful choice for parents seeking a name that reflects their desire for their son to grow up as a person of high moral character. It serves as a constant reminder of the importance of leading a good and righteous life, and it is a name that carries with it a sense of honor and respect.


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Overall UK ranking: 1782 out of 4789

13 recorded births last year

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Historical popularity of Abrar

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