Adnaan - boys name

Adnaan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Adnaan name meaning:

The name Adnaan is of Arabic origin and has several interpretations. One popular meaning is "settler" or "inhabitant," derived from the Arabic word "adna," which means "lower" or "near." This suggests that Adnaan refers to someone who settles or resides in a particular place, indicating a sense of stability and rootedness. Another interpretation of the name is "one who is close to God," as it can be associated with the Arabic word "adn," meaning "paradise" or "Eden." This meaning signifies a spiritual connection and a person who strives for righteousness.

Overall, the name Adnaan carries connotations of establishment, dwelling, and a close relationship with the divine. It reflects qualities of being grounded, steady, and connected to a higher power. Parents who choose this name for their son may hope that he will grow to be someone who brings stability and harmony to his surroundings and maintains a strong relationship with his spirituality.


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Overall UK ranking: 4789 out of 4789

3 recorded births last year

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