Ahnaf - boys name

Ahnaf name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 63%

Ahnaf name meaning:

The name Ahnaf is of Arabic origin and has a rich cultural and historical significance. It is primarily a Muslim boy's name and holds a deep religious meaning. Ahnaf comes from the Arabic word "hanif," which refers to someone who is steadfast and inclined towards righteousness and monotheism. In Islamic tradition, a hanif is a person who has turned away from idolatry and has devoted themselves to the worship of one God.

The name Ahnaf carries associations of purity, devotion, and strong faith. It is often given to boys with the hope that they will embody these qualities and follow a righteous path in life. Naming a child Ahnaf can be seen as a way to express the parents' aspiration for their child to be steadfast in their beliefs and values, and to adhere to the principles of monotheism and morality.

In summary, the name Ahnaf is of Arabic origin and is primarily used as a Muslim boy's name. It signifies someone who is steadfast, pure, and devoted to monotheism. Naming a child Ahnaf can be seen as a reflection of the parents' hope for their child to lead a righteous and morally upright life.


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Overall UK ranking: 1782 out of 4789

13 recorded births last year

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