Alper - boys name

Alper name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Alper name meaning:

The name Alper is of Turkish origin and is typically given to boys. It holds a significant meaning that is rooted in Turkish culture and language. The name Alper is derived from two Turkish words: "alp" and "er." "Alp" refers to a brave and heroic warrior, while "er" means man. Therefore, Alper can be translated to mean "brave man" or "heroic man."

The name Alper carries a strong and powerful connotation, symbolizing courage, strength, and bravery. It is often used to inspire and instill these qualities in the person who bears this name. Alper is a name that parents may choose for their son to convey their hopes and aspirations for him to grow up to be a strong and brave individual who can face challenges head-on with confidence.

In Turkish culture, names often carry deep meanings and reflect the qualities and values that parents wish for their children to embody. Therefore, the name Alper is not only a combination of words but also a representation of the desired character traits that parents hope their son will possess.


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Overall UK ranking: 4789 out of 4789

3 recorded births last year

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