Awst - boys name

Awst name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Awst name meaning:

The name Awst is of Welsh origin and is derived from the word "awst" which means "August" in English. August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and is derived from the Latin word "Augustus", meaning venerable or eminent. People born in August are often associated with characteristics such as creativity, leadership, and independence.

Those named Awst may inherit these traits and be seen as individuals who are innovative, ambitious, and self-reliant. They may possess a strong sense of determination and a drive to achieve their goals. Additionally, individuals with the name Awst may have a charismatic and confident personality, making them natural leaders in various aspects of their lives.

Overall, the name Awst symbolizes qualities of strength, creativity, and leadership, which may shape the character and personality of those who bear this name.

Origin: Welsh


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