Carew - boys name

Carew name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Carew name meaning:

The name Carew has origins in both Irish and Welsh languages. In Irish, Carew is derived from the Gaelic surname Ó Catharnaigh, meaning "descendant of Catharnach," which itself means "warlike" or "martial." In Welsh, Carew is a locational surname associated with a village in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and is derived from the Welsh words "caer" meaning fort or castle, and "rhew" meaning frost or ice.

Overall, the name Carew carries connotations of strength, power, and resilience. It suggests a sense of courage and determination, as well as a connection to ancestry and heritage. Boys with the name Carew may be perceived as warriors or leaders, embodying qualities of bravery and fortitude. It is a name that exudes a sense of noble lineage and a strong sense of identity.

Origin: Celtic

From the fortress.

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