Domas - boys name

Domas name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 65%

Domas name meaning:

The name Domas is of Lithuanian origin and is commonly used as a boy's name. It holds a significant meaning in the Lithuanian culture. Derived from the Lithuanian word "domÄ—tis," which translates to "to be interested in" or "to pay attention," the name Domas reflects qualities such as curiosity, attentiveness, and engagement. It is a name that symbolizes a person who is eager to learn, explore, and understand the world around them.

Those named Domas are often seen as individuals who possess a natural intellectual curiosity and a strong desire to acquire knowledge. They are likely to be observant, thoughtful, and perceptive, demonstrating a genuine interest in various topics and a passion for continuous learning. Domas can also imply a person who values meaningful interactions and actively engages in conversations and debates.

Overall, the name Domas represents a person who is intellectually inclined, inquisitive, and interested in acquiring knowledge. It embodies qualities that reflect someone with a strong desire to explore and understand the world, making it a fitting name for an individual who seeks continuous growth and enrichment.


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Overall UK ranking: 1688 out of 4789

14 recorded births last year

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