Fineas - boys name

Fineas name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 28%

Fineas name meaning:

The name Fineas, also spelled as Phineas, has Hebrew origins and is derived from the name Pinchas. In Hebrew, the name Fineas means "oracle" or "serpent's mouth." It is a biblical name that holds significance in Jewish history and mythology. Fineas is mentioned in the Old Testament as the grandson of Aaron and the nephew of Moses. He is known for his zealous actions in defending God's honor, which resulted in him being granted a covenant of peace and an everlasting priesthood.

The name Fineas carries connotations of wisdom, knowledge, and divine inspiration. It signifies a person who possesses great understanding and the ability to communicate or convey messages effectively. Those with the name Fineas are often seen as intelligent, articulate, and persuasive individuals who possess a strong sense of justice and righteousness. The name also carries a sense of spiritual connection and devotion, as Fineas is revered for his loyalty and dedication to God.

Choosing the name Fineas for a boy reflects a desire for a child who embodies wisdom, eloquence, and a strong moral compass. It embraces a rich biblical heritage and imparts a sense of depth and meaning to the child's identity.


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Overall UK ranking: 3451 out of 4789

5 recorded births last year

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