Gwyngad - boys name

Gwyngad name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Gwyngad name meaning:

The name Gwyngad is of Welsh origin and is a variation of the name Gwynedd, which means "white" or "holy" in Welsh. In Welsh mythology and history, Gwynedd was a kingdom in northwestern Wales and is associated with a sense of purity, innocence, and spirituality. Therefore, the name Gwyngad can be interpreted as symbolizing purity, holiness, and divine protection.

People with the name Gwyngad may be seen as individuals who possess a strong inner spirituality and a sense of purity in their actions and intentions. They may strive for higher moral values and seek to bring positivity and light into the world around them. Overall, the name Gwyngad carries connotations of goodness, virtue, and a sense of sacredness.

Origin: Welsh

Legendary son of Caw.

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