Hen-wyneb - boys name

Hen-wyneb name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hen-wyneb name meaning:

Hen-Wyneb is a Welsh name that translates to "old face" in English. This name carries a sense of wisdom and experience, as the word "hen" denotes something that is old or aged. The term "wyneb" refers to the face, suggesting that this name may be given to a boy who is perceived as having a mature or wise demeanor beyond his years.

In Welsh culture, names often hold significant meaning and may reflect certain qualities or characteristics that are valued within the community. In the case of Hen-Wyneb, it could be seen as a name that honors the individual's perceived wisdom or insight. Overall, Hen-Wyneb is a name that conveys a sense of respect and reverence for the past and the knowledge that comes with age.

Origin: Welsh

Old face.

Other boys names beginning with H


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