Iago - boys name

Iago name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Iago name meaning:

The name Iago is of Spanish and Portuguese origin, and it is derived from the Hebrew name Jacob. In Spanish and Portuguese cultures, Iago is primarily known as a boys' name. The meaning of the name Iago is often interpreted as "supplanter" or "heel grabber," which refers to the biblical story of Jacob, who was born grasping his twin brother Esau's heel.

The name Iago carries a sense of ambition and determination, as Jacob was known for his perseverance and cunning nature. It is also associated with intelligence and resourcefulness, as Jacob was able to outsmart his brother and secure his birthright. Additionally, the name Iago has literary significance as the name of a character in William Shakespeare's play Othello. In the play, Iago is portrayed as a manipulative and deceitful character, adding layers of complexity to the name's meaning.

Overall, the name Iago conveys a sense of strength, cleverness, and ambition, making it an appealing choice for parents looking for a name with historical and literary roots.

Origin: Shakespearean

'The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice' Ensign to Othello.

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Overall UK ranking: 3017 out of 4789

6 recorded births last year

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