Ilhan - boys name

Ilhan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Ilhan name meaning:

The name Ilhan is of Turkish origin and has several meanings. In Turkish, "ilhan" is derived from the words "il" meaning "country" or "state," and "han" meaning "ruler" or "leader." Therefore, one interpretation of the name Ilhan is "ruler of the state" or "leader of the country." This name suggests strength, authority, and a natural inclination towards leadership.

Another possible meaning of Ilhan is "knowledgeable" or "wise." In this context, the name may convey the idea of being intelligent, perceptive, and possessing a deep understanding of various subjects. This interpretation suggests a person who is intellectual and has the potential to excel in academic or professional fields.

Overall, the name Ilhan carries connotations of power, leadership, and wisdom, making it a strong and meaningful choice for a boy's name. It reflects qualities that are highly regarded in many cultures and may inspire the individual to embody these attributes throughout their life.


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Overall UK ranking: 3017 out of 4789

6 recorded births last year

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