Krystian - boys name

Krystian name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 52%

Krystian name meaning:

The name Krystian is a variant of the name Christian, which has its origins in the Latin word "Christianus," meaning follower of Christ. The name carries with it connotations of faith, spirituality, and a connection to Christianity. People with the name Krystian are often seen as being kind-hearted, compassionate, and moral individuals who strive to live by the teachings of Christ.

Those named Krystian are often seen as being strong-willed and determined individuals, with a deep sense of purpose and conviction. They are known for their ability to inspire and lead others, and are often seen as pillars of strength in their communities. Overall, the name Krystian carries with it a sense of righteousness, integrity, and a strong moral compass.


Other boys names beginning with K


Overall UK ranking: 2301 out of 4789

9 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1265)

Historical popularity of Krystian

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