Lior - boys name

Lior name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 67%

Lior name meaning:

The name Lior is of Hebrew origin and has a beautiful meaning behind it. It is a unisex name but is predominantly used as a masculine name. Lior means "my light" or "my gift of light." The name carries a sense of brightness and radiance, symbolizing the presence of light in one's life.

Lior has deep spiritual connotations in Hebrew culture. It represents illumination, enlightenment, and the idea of being a guiding light for others. The name is often associated with positivity, warmth, and a strong sense of purpose. It signifies someone who brings hope, joy, and inspiration to those around them.

Choosing the name Lior for a boy reflects the desire for him to bring light into the world and embody the qualities of a beacon of positivity. It is a name that holds a sense of responsibility, as it encourages the individual to shine their light and make a positive impact on others.


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Overall UK ranking: 1595 out of 4789

15 recorded births last year

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Historical popularity of Lior

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