Llyweilun - boys name

Llyweilun name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Llyweilun name meaning:

The name Llyweilun is of Welsh origin and is a variant of the name Llewellyn, which means "leader" or "lion-like." In Welsh mythology, Llewellyn was a powerful and heroic figure, known for his bravery and leadership qualities. Those with the name Llyweilun are believed to possess similar traits of strength, courage, and charisma.

Individuals named Llyweilun are often seen as natural leaders who inspire and motivate those around them. They are known for their determination, resilience, and ability to overcome obstacles. With a name meaning "leader" or "lion-like," those named Llyweilun are thought to possess a regal and commanding presence, making them stand out in any situation.

Origin: Welsh


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