Loxley - boys name

Loxley name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 71%

Loxley name meaning:

The name Loxley is of Old English origin and is predominantly associated with boys. It is derived from the words "locc," meaning "lock of hair," and "leah," meaning "woodland" or "clearing." Therefore, the name Loxley can be interpreted to mean "woodland of locks of hair" or "clearing filled with hair."

The meaning of Loxley carries a sense of nature and beauty, symbolizing a connection to the natural world. The reference to locks of hair may also suggest a focus on individuality and uniqueness, implying that the name bearer possesses distinct qualities or characteristics. The combination of these elements creates a name that is both poetic and evocative, suggesting a person who appreciates the beauty of the world around them and perhaps possesses a certain free-spirited nature.

In summary, the name Loxley carries a meaning rooted in nature and individuality, with connotations of beauty and connection to the natural world. It is a name that can inspire images of a person who values their surroundings, has a unique sense of self, and appreciates the intricacies of life.


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Overall UK ranking: 1391 out of 4789

18 recorded births last year

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