Maddoc - boys name

Maddoc name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Maddoc name meaning:

The name Maddoc, often spelled as "Madoc" in some variations, is of Welsh origin. It is derived from the Welsh elements "mad" meaning "fortunate" or "good" and "oc" possibly meaning "fighter" or "warrior." Therefore, the name Maddoc can be interpreted to mean "fortunate warrior" or "good fighter." This name carries connotations of strength, bravery, and good fortune, making it an appealing choice for a boy.

The name is historically significant in Welsh culture and lore. One of the most famous bearers of the name was Prince Madoc, a legendary figure who, according to folklore, sailed from Wales to North America in the 12th century, long before Columbus. This tale of adventure and exploration adds a layer of mystique and heroism to the name. In contemporary times, Maddoc remains a unique and meaningful name choice, embodying a blend of valor, luck, and historical depth.

Origin: Welsh


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