Mahan - boys name

Mahan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mahan name meaning:

The name Mahan has its roots in several cultures, each contributing its own unique meaning and significance. Predominantly, in Sanskrit, Mahan translates to "great" or "mighty," indicating someone of significant power or stature. This meaning reflects a person's potential for greatness and an inherent capability to achieve remarkable things. It suggests a personality that is ambitious, strong, and capable of leadership, inspiring others to follow their path.

Furthermore, in Persian, Mahan carries a similar connotation of greatness or excellence. It is often associated with individuals who are distinguished by their outstanding qualities or achievements. The name implies a noble character, one who is respected and admired for their contributions and qualities.

Overall, the name Mahan symbolizes a person of considerable influence and capability. It speaks to a legacy of greatness, encouraging an individual to strive for excellence and to lead by example. With its roots in ancient languages and cultures, the name carries a timeless appeal, suggesting that the qualities it represents are universally valued and appreciated.


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Overall UK ranking: 4789 out of 4789

3 recorded births last year

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