Mawgan - boys name

Mawgan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Mawgan name meaning:

The name Mawgan is of Cornish origin and is predominantly used as a boy's name. It is derived from the Cornish word "maw" meaning "greater" or "big" and "gan" meaning "holy" or "sacred." Therefore, Mawgan can be interpreted to mean "greatly holy" or "sacred one."

This name holds significance as it reflects the rich cultural heritage of Cornwall, a Celtic region in southwestern England. The name carries a sense of spirituality, emphasizing the importance of sacredness and reverence. Individuals named Mawgan may be seen as individuals with a strong connection to the divine, possessing a heightened sense of spirituality, or exhibiting qualities of holiness and reverence in their actions.

Ultimately, the name Mawgan bestows a sense of depth and significance upon the bearer, representing a heritage of faith and spirituality while also emphasizing the importance of reverence and the sacred in their lives.

Origin: Cornish

Meaning "hound, wolf". Name of a 6th C. Cornish saint. Popular in 17th C. Cornwall.

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Overall UK ranking: 3017 out of 4789

6 recorded births last year

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