Mikaal - boys name

Mikaal name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 28%

Mikaal name meaning:

The name Mikaal is a variant of the name Mikael, which itself is derived from the Hebrew name Michael. In Hebrew, Michael translates to "Who is like God?" This rhetorical question is a testament to the uniqueness and unparalleled nature of God, indicating that no one can be compared to the Almighty. The name is deeply rooted in religious texts and is widely recognized across various cultures and religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Mikaal carries with it a sense of strength, protection, and spiritual insight. In Islamic tradition, Mikail (another variant) is one of the four archangels, known for providing nourishments to bodies and souls, and is associated with nature, rain, and thunder. Thus, the name Mikaal is imbued with connotations of guardianship, provision, and a deep connection to the divine, making it a powerful and meaningful choice for a boy's name.


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Overall UK ranking: 3451 out of 4789

5 recorded births last year

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