Panayiotis - boys name

Panayiotis name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 17%

Panayiotis name meaning:

The name Panayiotis is of Greek origin and is a variant of the name Panagiotis. It is derived from the Greek word "pan" which means "all" or "every," and "ayios" which means "holy" or "saint." Therefore, the name Panayiotis carries the meaning of "all-holy" or "devoted to all saints."

Panayiotis is a popular name in Greek culture and holds significant religious connotations. It is often given to boys born on religious holidays or in honor of a saint. The name reflects a strong religious belief and a sense of devotion towards God and the saints.

People named Panayiotis are often seen as pious, virtuous, and religious individuals. They may possess a deep sense of faith and may have a strong connection to their religious roots. The name Panayiotis also represents a sense of reverence and respect for the divine, as well as a desire to lead a morally upright and righteous life.

In summary, the name Panayiotis holds the meaning of "all-holy" or "devoted to all saints" and reflects a strong religious belief and devotion towards God and the saints.


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Overall UK ranking: 3990 out of 4789

4 recorded births last year

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