Penilyn - boys name

Penilyn name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Penilyn name meaning:

The name PenIlyn is a variation of the name Penelope, which has Greek origins and means "weaver." Penelope is a figure from Greek mythology known for her loyalty and cleverness, making her a symbol of fidelity and patience. Those with the name PenIlyn may possess similar qualities of perseverance, creativity, and intelligence.

In addition to its traditional meaning, PenIlyn could also be interpreted as a unique and modern twist on a classic name. This variation adds a touch of individuality and distinction to the name, giving it a fresh and updated feel. Overall, the name PenIlyn conveys a sense of strength, resilience, and originality, making it a meaningful and intriguing choice for a boy's name.

Origin: Welsh

From the lake's headland.

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