Sohaib - boys name

Sohaib name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 28%

Sohaib name meaning:

The name Sohaib is of Arabic origin and has a rich cultural and historical significance. It is commonly used as a boy's name in Muslim communities. Sohaib is derived from the Arabic word "sahab," which means "shooting star" or "meteor." This name symbolizes brightness, uniqueness, and a sense of awe.

In Islamic history, Sohaib bin Sinan Al-Rumi, also known as Sohaib the Roman, was a companion of Prophet Muhammad. He was known for his strong faith, intelligence, and loyalty. Sohaib's story exemplifies courage and perseverance, as he faced countless hardships during his conversion to Islam and his migration from Mecca to Medina. Despite his challenges, Sohaib remained steadfast in his beliefs, making him a role model for many Muslims.

Parents who choose the name Sohaib for their son often hope to inspire qualities such as resilience, determination, and spirituality. The name carries an aura of brightness and uniqueness, reminding individuals to strive for their goals and stand firm in their convictions.


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Overall UK ranking: 3451 out of 4789

5 recorded births last year

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