Soul - boys name

Soul name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 56%

Soul name meaning:

The name "Soul" is often associated with a sense of spirituality or inner essence. When used in the context of a boy's name, it can signify a deep connection to one's true self and a strong sense of purpose and identity. A boy named Soul may be seen as someone who is in touch with his emotions and innermost desires, someone who is introspective and reflective.

Additionally, the name Soul may also suggest a sense of strength and resilience, as the soul is often considered to be the core of a person's being. A boy named Soul may be viewed as someone who is determined and unyielding in the face of challenges, someone who possesses a strong sense of inner strength and self-belief. Overall, the name Soul can evoke feelings of depth, spirituality, and inner strength in a boy who bears it.


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Overall UK ranking: 2125 out of 4789

10 recorded births last year

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Historical popularity of Soul

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