Tawhid - boys name

Tawhid name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 28%

Tawhid name meaning:

The name Tawhid is of Arabic origin and holds great significance in Islamic philosophy and theology. Tawhid is derived from the Arabic word "wahada," which means "to unify" or "to make one." In Islamic belief, Tawhid refers to the concept of the oneness of God, emphasizing the belief in the absolute unity and uniqueness of Allah.

In the Islamic faith, Tawhid is the fundamental principle that there is only one God, and He is indivisible and without any partners or associates. Believers of Tawhid recognize Allah as the one and only deity worthy of worship and attribute all power and authority solely to Him. It is the core principle of monotheism and constitutes the foundation of Islamic belief.

Naming a boy Tawhid symbolizes the parents' strong belief in the oneness of God and their desire for their child to grow up with a deep understanding and commitment to this fundamental concept. This name serves as a reminder for the child to live a life in accordance with the teachings of Islam, embracing the belief in the one true God and striving for spiritual unity and devotion.


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Overall UK ranking: 3451 out of 4789

5 recorded births last year

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