Torrey - boys name

Torrey name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Torrey name meaning:

The name Torrey is of English origin and means "tower" or "watchtower." It is a masculine name that conveys strength, protection, and a sense of security. The name Torrey is often associated with someone who is dependable, reliable, and a natural leader. People with this name are known for their strong sense of responsibility and their ability to take charge in difficult situations.

Overall, the name Torrey carries a sense of stability and authority, making it a fitting choice for a boy who exudes confidence and leadership qualities. With its origins rooted in the idea of a tower, Torrey symbolizes a strong and solid foundation, suggesting that individuals with this name are reliable and steadfast in their relationships and responsibilities.

Origin: Celtic

Lives by the tower.

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This name does not feature in the UK baby names statistics - so feel free to go ahead and start a trend!