Trevelian - boys name

Trevelian name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Trevelian name meaning:

The name Trevelian is of Cornish origin and is derived from the words "tre" meaning settlement or homestead, and "velyan" meaning hill. Therefore, Trevelian can be translated to mean "from the hill settlement" or "one who dwells on the hill". This name carries connotations of strength, stability, and a connection to the land.

For a boy named Trevelian, this name may suggest qualities of resilience, rootedness, and a deep sense of belonging to a particular place or community. It may also symbolize a strong connection to nature and a sense of grounding that allows him to weather any challenges that come his way. Overall, the name Trevelian conveys a sense of strength and stability, making it a meaningful choice for a boy.

Origin: Welsh

From Elian's home.

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