Trevelyan - boys name

Trevelyan name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Trevelyan name meaning:

The name Trevelyan is of Cornish origin and means "homestead by the mill." It is a name that conveys a sense of stability, rootedness, and connection to the land. In choosing the name Trevelyan for a boy, parents may be seeking to instill in their child a sense of belonging and identity tied to his environment and heritage.

Trevelyan is a name with a strong historical and cultural significance, as it is associated with the noble Trevelyan family in England. By giving their son this name, parents may also be expressing a desire for him to embody qualities such as strength, resilience, and pride in his lineage. Overall, the name Trevelyan carries a sense of tradition, heritage, and a deep connection to the land, making it a meaningful choice for a boy.

Origin: Welsh

From Elian's home.

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