Umayr - boys name

Umayr name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 43%

Umayr name meaning:

The name Umayr is of Arabic origin and holds significant cultural and religious meaning. Umayr is derived from the Arabic word "umr" which means "life" or "long-lived." It is a popular name among Muslims and holds a positive connotation, symbolizing a blessed and fulfilling life.

In Islamic culture, names are chosen carefully as they are believed to shape the individual's character and destiny. Umayr signifies a person who is lively, energetic, and enthusiastic about life. The name also carries a sense of optimism and a vibrant spirit. It is often associated with qualities such as resilience, vitality, and a zest for living.

Parents who choose the name Umayr for their son may hope that he will lead a prosperous and meaningful life, filled with joy, vitality, and long-lasting happiness. The name Umayr uplifts and inspires, reminding individuals of the beauty and preciousness of life, encouraging them to embrace each moment with enthusiasm and gratitude.


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Overall UK ranking: 2730 out of 4789

7 recorded births last year

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