Vakaris - boys name

Vakaris name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 28%

Vakaris name meaning:

The name Vakaris is of Lithuanian origin and is predominantly used for boys. Vakaris is derived from the Lithuanian word "vakaras," which means "evening" in English. In Lithuanian culture, the evening holds a significant place, as it is often associated with calmness, peace, and reflection. Naming a boy Vakaris may symbolize the hope that he will bring serenity and tranquility into the lives of those around him.

Furthermore, evenings are often considered a time for gathering with loved ones, sharing stories, and engaging in meaningful conversations. Therefore, the name Vakaris might also embody the desire for the boy to develop strong interpersonal skills, fostering connections and creating a warm environment wherever he goes.

In conclusion, the name Vakaris carries a meaningful connotation associated with the peacefulness and togetherness found in evenings. Choosing this name for a boy may reflect the parents' aspirations for him to bring serenity, foster relationships, and create a harmonious atmosphere in the lives of those he encounters.


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Overall UK ranking: 3451 out of 4789

5 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1265)

Historical popularity of Vakaris

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