Yameen - boys name

Yameen name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Yameen name meaning:

The name Yameen is of Arabic origin and holds several meanings. One interpretation of the name Yameen is "blessed" or "lucky." It signifies being favored by God and being bestowed with good fortune and prosperity. Those bearing the name Yameen are believed to have a positive outlook on life and a charismatic personality that attracts success.

Another interpretation of the name Yameen is "oath" or "sworn." In this context, Yameen represents a strong commitment or promise. It implies a sense of trustworthiness and reliability, as individuals with this name are expected to uphold their word and honor their commitments.

Overall, the name Yameen carries a sense of positivity, favor, and trustworthiness. It reflects the idea of being blessed and fortunate, as well as embodying a commitment to one's word.


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Overall UK ranking: 3017 out of 4789

6 recorded births last year

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