Adain - girls name

Adain name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Adain name meaning:

Adain is a Welsh name that is derived from the word "aidd" meaning "brilliant" or "radiant." Therefore, the name Adain signifies someone who is bright, shining, or full of light. Girls with the name Adain are often seen as intelligent, creative, and full of positive energy.

Those named Adain are believed to possess a natural charm and a captivating presence that draws others to them. They are often described as being optimistic, confident, and inspiring to those around them. Adain's tend to be strong-willed and determined, with a deep sense of purpose in life.

Overall, the name Adain embodies qualities of brightness, radiance, and brilliance, making it a fitting name for a girl who shines brightly in the lives of others.

Origin: Welsh


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