Adyna - girls name

Adyna name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Adyna name meaning:

The name Adyna is of Hebrew origin and means "delicate" or "sensitive." Girls named Adyna are often known for their gentle nature and caring demeanor. They are typically compassionate individuals who have a deep empathy for others and are sensitive to the needs of those around them. Adyna's tend to be nurturing and supportive, making them great friends and confidantes.

Girls named Adyna also have a refined and elegant presence, exuding a sense of grace and poise. They may also have a creative and artistic side, appreciating beauty in all forms and having a knack for expressing themselves through various mediums. Overall, the name Adyna signifies a kind-hearted and graceful individual who brings a sense of warmth and comfort to those in her presence.

Origin: Welsh


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