Allene - girls name

Allene name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Allene name meaning:

The name Allene is of Celtic origin and means "bright, shining, or beautiful." It is a variation of the name Alaine or Elaine. Girls with the name Allene are often described as intelligent, compassionate, and creative individuals. They have a natural ability to bring light and positivity to those around them, making them stand out in social settings.

People with the name Allene are known for their strong sense of determination and perseverance. They are not easily swayed by obstacles and setbacks, and are able to overcome challenges with grace and resilience. Overall, the name Allene conveys a sense of beauty, strength, and brightness, making it a fitting choice for a girl who embodies these qualities.

Origin: Celtic

Fair, good-looking. Feminine form of Allen or variant of Helen.

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Allen , Aleen , Aleena , Alene, Aline , Allena, Allene

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