Cari - girls name

Cari name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 58%

Cari name meaning:

The name Cari is a variant of the name Carrie, derived from the name Caroline. The name Caroline is of French origin and means "free man" or "free woman". It is derived from the Germanic name Karl, which has the same meaning.

People with the name Cari are often described as independent, strong-willed, and confident. They have a natural inclination towards leadership and tend to be ambitious in pursuing their goals. Cari is also associated with intelligence and creativity.

In addition, Cari is often seen as a warm and nurturing individual, with a genuine interest in the well-being of others. They have a caring nature and enjoy helping those around them. Cari is a name that carries positive connotations and represents a person who is free-spirited, capable, and full of love and compassion.

Origin: Latin


Other girls names beginning with C


Overall UK ranking: 2341 out of 5581

11 recorded births last year

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