Dicra - girls name

Dicra name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Dicra name meaning:

The name Dicra is of Kurdish origin and is often used for girls. It is a unique and uncommon name that carries a special meaning. Dicra can be translated to mean "light" or "brightness" in Kurdish, symbolizing positivity, hope, and illumination. Those with the name Dicra are believed to be shining beacons of light in the lives of others, spreading joy and warmth wherever they go.

People named Dicra are thought to be kind, compassionate, and full of energy. They are often seen as positive influences on those around them, bringing a sense of brightness and optimism to any situation. The name Dicra is a beautiful and meaningful choice for a girl, reflecting her inner light and radiance for the world to see and appreciate.

Origin: Welsh


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