Ieva - girls name

Ieva name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 51%

Ieva name meaning:

The name Ieva is of Lithuanian origin and holds a special significance in Baltic countries. Derived from the name Eve, Ieva also has biblical roots and is believed to mean "life" or "living one" in Hebrew. As a popular name in Lithuania, it carries a sense of tradition and cultural pride.

People named Ieva are often described as intelligent, confident, and caring individuals. They have a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, which helps them excel in various fields. Ieva is known for her strong sense of justice and fairness, often standing up for what she believes is right. She is also a loyal friend and a supportive family member.

The name Ieva has a timeless charm and a deep connection to its cultural roots. It carries a meaning that symbolizes the essence of life itself, making it a powerful and meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with biblical and cultural significance for their daughters.


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Overall UK ranking: 2711 out of 5581

9 recorded births last year

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