Ifeoma - girls name

Ifeoma name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Ifeoma name meaning:

Ifeoma is a name of Igbo origin, primarily used among the Igbo people in Nigeria. In the Igbo language, "Ifeoma" translates to "good thing" or "something beautiful". This name is often given to girls, symbolizing a blessing or a positive addition to the family. It embodies the parents' hopes and prayers for their daughter to lead a life filled with goodness, beauty, and prosperity.

The name Ifeoma carries with it a deep cultural significance, reflecting the values and aspirations that are cherished within the Igbo community. It is a reminder to the individual bearing the name, of the inherent beauty and potential for positivity within them. Moreover, it serves as an inspirational beacon, guiding them towards embodying and spreading goodness in their actions and interactions throughout their life.

Additionally, Ifeoma is a name that resonates beyond its immediate cultural context, embodying universal themes of hope, beauty, and the potential for positive impact. As such, it has been embraced by various people around the world who appreciate its melodious sound and the uplifting meaning it carries.


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Overall UK ranking: 3519 out of 5581

6 recorded births last year

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