Ilaria - girls name

Ilaria name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 82%

Ilaria name meaning:

The name Ilaria is of Italian origin and carries a beautiful meaning. Ilaria is derived from the Latin word "hilaris," which translates to "cheerful" or "joyful." This name exudes a sense of happiness and positivity, evoking a bright and sunny disposition. It reflects someone who approaches life with a cheerful and optimistic outlook, spreading joy to those around them.

Ilaria also possesses a certain elegance and grace, making it a fitting name for a girl. It carries a sense of sophistication and refinement, suggesting an individual with poise and charm. The name Ilaria encompasses qualities such as warmth, friendliness, and a zest for life. It embodies the idea of embracing happiness and radiating it to others, making the world a brighter place. Overall, Ilaria is a name that conveys a sense of joy, beauty, and positivity, making it a wonderful choice for a baby girl.


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Overall UK ranking: 1007 out of 5581

34 recorded births last year

Change in rank

  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1010)

Historical popularity of Ilaria

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