Indeg - girls name

Indeg name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Indeg name meaning:

The name Indeg is of Welsh origin and is typically given to girls. In Welsh, Indeg means "maiden" or "virgin." It is a name that conveys purity, innocence, and youthfulness. Girls with the name Indeg are often seen as gentle, kind-hearted, and nurturing individuals.

Having the name Indeg may also symbolize a sense of independence and strength, as the meaning of "maiden" can be interpreted as a young woman coming into her own and discovering her identity. This name is rooted in Welsh culture and carries with it a sense of tradition and heritage.

Overall, the name Indeg carries with it a sense of grace and beauty, and is a fitting choice for a girl who embodies qualities of purity and strength.

Origin: Welsh

Legendary daughter of GanKy.

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