Iola - girls name

Iola name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 47%

Iola name meaning:

The name Iola is of Greek origin and has a beautiful meaning attached to it. Derived from the Greek word "ioulos," meaning "violet-colored dawn," Iola signifies the start of a new day and the fresh beginnings it brings. It is a name that exudes a sense of optimism, hope, and rebirth.

People named Iola are often described as kind-hearted, gentle, and compassionate individuals. They possess a natural ability to bring light and positivity into others' lives. With their optimistic outlook, they are often seen as beacons of hope and inspiration to those around them. Iola's nurturing nature and caring personality make them well-suited for careers in fields such as counseling, healthcare, or teaching, where they can make a positive impact on others.

Those named Iola also tend to have a love for nature and beauty. They appreciate the small joys in life and find solace in the simple things. With their innate sense of harmony, they have the ability to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere wherever they go. In summary, the name Iola carries a profound meaning of new beginnings, kindness, and a gentle spirit.

Origin: Greek

Violet-colored dawn.

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Overall UK ranking: 2942 out of 5581

8 recorded births last year

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