Nimrat - girls name

Nimrat name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 77%

Nimrat name meaning:

The name Nimrat is of Punjabi origin and is commonly used for girls. It holds various meanings, but the most common interpretation is "humble" or "modest." Nimrat is derived from the Punjabi word "nimrata," which signifies a sense of humility and simplicity. It reflects the qualities of being down-to-earth, unpretentious, and having a modest demeanor.

In Punjabi culture, being humble is considered a virtue and is highly valued. The name Nimrat reflects these cultural values and can be seen as a reminder to remain grounded and modest in one's actions and behavior. Nimrat is a beautiful name that carries a positive connotation, emphasizing the importance of humility and simplicity.

Overall, Nimrat is a name that highlights the virtue of humility and signifies an individual who possesses modesty, down-to-earth nature, and a humble attitude towards life.


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Overall UK ranking: 1259 out of 5581

26 recorded births last year

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