Olanna - girls name

Olanna name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 43%

Olanna name meaning:

The name Olanna is of African origin and is commonly used in Igbo-speaking communities in Nigeria. The name carries a beautiful and profound meaning, reflecting the cultural and spiritual significance of names within Igbo society. Olanna is believed to mean "father's pride" or "father's gold," derived from the combination of the Igbo words "ọla" (meaning "wealth" or "gold") and "nna" (meaning "father").

In Igbo culture, names are carefully chosen to reflect the aspirations, hopes, and blessings parents have for their children. The name Olanna carries a sense of honor, respect, and admiration for the father figure. It signifies a child who brings immense joy, pride, and prosperity to their family. This name also highlights the importance of the father's role and authority within the family structure, emphasizing ancestral lineage and the preservation of tradition.

Overall, the name Olanna encapsulates the value placed on family, heritage, and the desire for a child to be a source of immense happiness and success. It carries a strong cultural significance that acknowledges the role of the father and reinforces the importance of familial ties in Igbo society.


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Overall UK ranking: 3192 out of 5581

7 recorded births last year

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