Raidah - girls name

Raidah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 17%

Raidah name meaning:

The name Raidah is of Arabic origin and means "content, satisfied, or happy". It is a beautiful and unique name that carries positive connotations of inner peace and fulfillment. The name Raidah reflects a sense of tranquility and harmony, suggesting a person who is at peace with themselves and their surroundings.

Those named Raidah may possess a calm and collected demeanor, radiating a sense of contentment and joy to those around them. They may have a nurturing and compassionate nature, always seeking to bring happiness and peace to others. The name Raidah may also signify a strong sense of self-awareness and acceptance, allowing individuals to find contentment in both their successes and challenges. Overall, Raidah is a name that embodies a sense of inner peace and happiness, making it a meaningful and positive choice for a girl.


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Overall UK ranking: 4634 out of 5581

4 recorded births last year

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  • 10yrs

  • 5yrs

  • 1yr


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Historical popularity of Raidah

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