Rania - girls name

Rania name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 86%

Rania name meaning:

The name Rania is of Arabic origin and holds a significant meaning. It is often associated with a sense of regality and beauty. Rania is derived from the Arabic word "ran" which means "to gaze" or "look at." This suggests that individuals with this name possess an alluring and captivating presence that attracts attention.

Rania is also linked to the concept of being queen-like or having a queenly aura. It reflects qualities such as strength, leadership, and authority. This name carries a sense of power and grace, symbolizing a woman who is confident, assertive, and deserving of respect. Rania is also associated with wisdom and intelligence, highlighting the potential for individuals with this name to possess a sharp mind and the ability to make sound decisions.

Overall, the name Rania represents elegance, beauty, and the ability to command attention. It carries a regal and queenly connotation, emphasizing the qualities of strength and leadership while embodying an alluring presence.

Origin: Hindi


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Overall UK ranking: 779 out of 5581

47 recorded births last year

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