Riham - girls name

Riham name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 17%

Riham name meaning:

The name Riham is of Arabic origin and holds a beautiful meaning. In Arabic, Riham means "drizzle" or "light rain." Just like a gentle drizzle, the name Riham reflects a sense of calmness and tranquility. Rain is often associated with cleansing and rejuvenation, symbolizing new beginnings and growth. Thus, the name Riham carries an essence of renewal and refreshment.

Individuals who bear the name Riham are often regarded as compassionate and kind-hearted. They possess a nurturing nature and have a natural ability to empathize with others. People with this name tend to be peacemakers, bringing harmony to their surroundings and striving to create a positive impact on those they encounter. Riham is a name that signifies not only the gentle rain but also the warmth and comfort it brings to the earth.


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Overall UK ranking: 4634 out of 5581

4 recorded births last year

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