Tangwen - girls name

Tangwen name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Tangwen name meaning:

The name Tangwen is of Welsh origin, a unique and melodious name that carries with it a sense of heritage and cultural depth. In Welsh, "Tan" means fire or possibly "Tân" in a more proper Welsh spelling, suggesting warmth, passion, and vitality. The element "gwen" is quite common in Welsh names and means white, fair, blessed, or holy. Thus, when combined, Tangwen can be interpreted to mean 'blessed fire', 'holy fire', or 'fair fire', symbolizing a person who is passionate yet pure, energetic yet blessed with a serene grace.

Given its Welsh roots, the name Tangwen is not only a beautiful choice for its pleasant sound but also for its meaningful representation of qualities that many would aspire to have or to bestow upon their children. The name suggests a balance between fervor and tranquility, a poignant reminder of the duality of human nature. It's a less common name, which might appeal to parents seeking a distinctive name that embodies both beauty and depth, a name that their daughter can carry with pride, reflecting both the fire of her spirit and the purity of her heart.

Origin: Welsh

Legendary daughter of Gweir.

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