Ananga - boys name

Ananga name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ananga name meaning:

The name Ananga is of Indian origin and is often associated with the Hindu god of love and desire, Kamadeva. In Sanskrit, Ananga means "bodiless" or "incorporeal," reflecting Kamadeva's ethereal and spiritual nature. As such, the name Ananga is often given to boys to symbolize love, passion, and desire.

Those named Ananga are believed to possess qualities of charm, attraction, and affection. They are often seen as romantic and sensitive individuals who have a deep understanding of emotions and relationships. With a name like Ananga, boys are expected to exude a sense of magnetism and allure that draws others towards them. Overall, the name Ananga carries a sense of mystique and enchantment, symbolizing the power of love and desire in its purest form.

Origin: Indian

Without body.

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