Ceardach - boys name

Ceardach name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ceardach name meaning:

The name Ceardach is of Irish origin and means "craftsman" or "artisan." It is derived from the word "ceard," which translates to "craft" or "skill." In Irish culture, craftsmen were highly respected for their talents and abilities to create beautiful and functional works of art. As such, having a name like Ceardach would convey a sense of skill, creativity, and dedication to one's craft.

Individuals with the name Ceardach may possess qualities such as precision, attention to detail, and a love for creating things with their hands. They may excel in artistic pursuits, trades, or professions that require specialized skills and craftsmanship. Overall, the name Ceardach carries with it a sense of pride in one's abilities and a strong work ethic dedicated to honing their craft.

Origin: Scottish


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